Baseball starts in Madison this week. The Madison Mallards, a team made up of College-aged players in the Northwoods League, play ball for about 2 and a half months every summer at the Duck Pond at Warner Park on Madison's north side.
The team is wildly popular in Madison, and offers several promotions that pack the stands on a regular basis. But I think the most popular promotion is the cheap beer and cheep tickets the team offers every night.
I went to a game last year and got tickets in the Duck Blind, a section of the ball park offering all-you-can-eat food and all-you-can-drink beer for $27. Unfortunately, the section did not offer all-you-can-watch baseball. I think I was the only person there who was even remotely interested in the action on the field.
But the Duck Blind serves a valuable purpose. By hoarding all the drunks in one section of the park, the rest of stadiums remains relatively family friendly.
I'll try to make it to more games this year, and I doubt I'll sit in the Duck Blind again.