Not that anybody reads this blog, but I thought I'd get caught up with posting all the cartoons I've done in the last week or so. I was in Green Bay for the weekend a the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, and had a splendid time. I met several publishers of strong Wisconsin Newspapers who are interested in using my cartoons in their papers.
Cartoons like these:

Here is today's cartoon for the Tampa Tribune. It's the only Super Bowl cartoon I did for them, and I'm kind of pissed about that. I had sent them several ideas like this one...

but they never got back to me about them. It didn't help that I had to head up to Green Bay half-way through the week for the conference.

This was a simple and obvious cartoon for me. I've been harping on our state leaders to do something about the budget for years, but they won't listen to me or anybody else, and now it has come to bite them in the ass.

This was an illustration for the front of Sunday's forum section for the Wisconsin State Journal. It is one of the best visual commentaries I've come up with in my ten years of cartooning. One reader loved the image so much, that she compared my work to Bill Mauldin and Herblock, and nominated me to become a "national treasure." Sometimes, I like the readers.

I think the concept for this cartoon was pretty darn funny, but I didn't execute it very well. Plus not a whole lot of people know who Scott Jensen is.

This is the first color cartoon I did to go with the Wisconsin State Journal new Sunday Forum section. Now my cartoons will be in color in print too. This turned out OK, but I still need to hone my coloring technique. The gag itself has been a big hit.

This was the first cartoon I ever drew with Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton. She is a joke, but so is the office of Lt. Governor. I don't know if I'll draw her again. I don't think anybody knows who she is.

This cartoon was on its way to being mediocre and pretty boring until I came up with idea of "deep fried tax loopholes". Now it's one of my favorites.