So who are these cartoonist who beat me in the competition. Well, they're not cartoonists. You see, this year the Milwaukee press club combined a couple of categories. In the past there had been separate categories for best editorial cartoon, best cartoon in a magazine, best newspaper illustration and best magazine illustration. This year all of those genres were lumped into one category. First and Second place went to magazine illustrations from Milwaukee Magazine, a glossy monthly publication.
The illustrations that won are not my style but they are by no means unworthy of winning.
I don't want to sound like a sore loser, but why am I competing against magazine illustrators. Frankly it doesn't seem fair. The illustrators likely had a least a week to put together their illustrations, and I whipped up the cartoons I submitted in an afternoon.
The competition is judging apples and oranges all in the same category, but as the print media industry continues to crumble I guess this is a sign of the times. Next year, maybe they've a writing category for "Best News, Feature or Sport's Story, appearing in a Magazine or Newspaper."
Here are some of my editorial cartoons.