I'm back from Michigan and posting old cartoons:

A classic cartoon gag dealing with the dilemma of liberal west-side Madisonians.

This is a pretty autobiographical cartoon, except that I'm a Detroit Tigers fan. When I was a little kid I used to get too excited to sleep on Christmas Eve and the day before my birthday. Now, it's just opening day.

I know there are reasons why the federal government will give $100s of billions to the banks, but balk at a $30 billion loan to the auto industry, but it doesn't seem fair.

While the judicial elections weren't nearly as bad as they've been in the past, it still feels like they're run by sleazy strip club owners.

As much as people complain about their right to elect Supreme Court Justices, it would be nice if more than 20% of registered voters could be bothered enough to show up at the polls.

The state's film tax credits, as they are currently structured, are a waste of taxpayers money.