So these are the cartoons I drew last week, and boy was it crazy. I had to watch Owen for most of the week and the entire the weekend while Tricia was working getting students moved into their new apartments here in Madison.
Nonetheless, I got my cartoons drawn, and the baby didn't kill himself, too much.

Back to school shopping...yeah

There has been a bunch of debate about the obituary cartoons on the editorial cartoonist list-serve. It seems that most editorial cartoonists think these cartoons are a waste of space on the editorial page. I was inclined to agree with them, but this cartoon got more feedback and reader responses than most of the cartoons I do. The response I got from this cartoon, reminded me of a conversation I had with a lady at the park a while back, while I was watching Owen. I told here that I was an editorial cartoonist, and she rattled off her favorite editorial cartoons, all of which were obit toons.
This leads me to believe that readers actually really like these obituary cartoons. The fact that so many editorial cartoonist think they are worthless, just goes to show how out of touch some cartoonists are with their audience. Maybe that's why this industry is in such trouble.

I always loved the bit in Spinal Tap with the amp that goes to 11

I thought this was a really strong cartoon about how we run our education system. One of my friends from college, a school teacher whose spent his career getting under-underprivileged high school students interested in learning, has already purchased the original drawing.