Here is the cartoon I drew for Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett's decision to run for Governor in 2010.

I drew the cartoon earlier last week, because I had to head out of town for a funeral.
I had two separate captions for the cartoon one in case Barrett declared he would run, and one for in case he decided to stay put. Here is the cartoon that didn't run.

And I was pretty perturbed that Barret waited until Sunday to announce his candidacy. I had stayed up until 3am last Thursday morning drawing the cartoon so my editor could use it over the weekend. I then awoke at 5am Thursday so I catch my flight to the east coast for the funeral. By announcing on Sunday, when there is no one at the editorial desk at the Wisconsin State Journal, my cartoon didn't run until Tuesday, and I stayed up to 3am for no reason.
Consider yourself warned Mayor Barrett, you've gotten my bad side, and now I will relish every opportunity I get to draw a cartoon about you. That's right, don't mess with the cartoonist.