Monday, June 16, 2008

Flooded Wisconsin

Much of southeastern Wisconsin and a good chunk of the mid-west was drenched with record rain fall last week. The ensuing flood likely caused 100s of millions if not billions of dollars in damage. Several counties in Wisconsin have been declared federal disaster areas, but luckily there have been very few injuries and only one or two deaths have been linked to the flooding.

With all of this destruction we need to remember what really is important in life, and hence this was the cartoon in yesterday's Wisconsin State Journal.

This idea seemed very obvious to me, and I was hesitant to submit it to Wisconsin State Journal editorial page editor Scott Milfred, who usually approves my cartoon ideas. But I became desperate after multiple cartoon ideas were rejected and so I caved and sent this to him at about 6pm Thursday evening. I must admit, I was actually surprised with how well the cartoon worked when I finished it. Scott really pushed me to draw a cartoon that captured and the moment and sent a powerful message. Thanks Scott.

For the curious folks out there, here are some of the rejected cartoon ideas.

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